Tiny project: kindle-md-highlights

tl;dr source code for extracting notes and highlights from a kindle-made .html file.

Since 2020 I've been running Obsidian as my notes app of choice. The hacker in me likes that it's just .md files all the way down (basically).

One of the things I like to do in Obsidian is keep a track of notes I've made from books I've read.

I'm trying to throw together a book review (for the blog) of Cal Newport's Slow Productivity, which I read on Kindle. so I went to extract the notes from that book (using an community-published extension that had previously worked). For some reason, it wasn't working.

The Kindle app lets you export your highlights as a .html file (assuming they're <10% of the book), and so I wrote a chipper little package (just one .js file) that parses through the HTML file, and console.logs out all of your notes.

It's hella brutalist, you have to just copy-paste the output from the terminal, but it took <1hr to throw together, and now my notes from Slow Productivity are in my Obsidian vault, and I can get on with writing the damned review.

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